هجرة العمالة الماهرة الخاصة برجال الاعمال
هجرة المكفول من صاحب عمل
الهجرة الانسانية : حالات انسانية خاصة
هجرة اعضاء العائلة : اهل اخوة زوجة او اولاد
اللاجئين بكافة الانواع
هجرة العمالة الماهرة (تشمل اصحاب الشهادات العليا من اطباء و مهندسين و غيره )
هجرة الممرضات حيث تحتاج استراليا الان الى ممرضات بدرجة كبيرة
الهجرة المناطقية المحصورة بمناطق محددة
التقاعدة في استراليا
برامج الهجرة الخاصة
Business Skills Entry
This information is about migrating to Australia as a business person.
Summary of migration requirements
The Business Skills visa class of Australia's migration program encourages successful business people to settle permanently in Australia and develop new or existing businesses.
Business owners, senior executives and investors can apply for a visa under the Business Skills category at one of the three Business Skills Processing Centres
See: Lodging an application.
Under the two-stage arrangements introduced on 1 March 2003, business migrants are granted a Business Skills (Provisional) visa for four years and, after establishing the requisite level of business or maintaining their eligible investment, are eligible to make an application for a Business Skills (Residence) visa.
A direct permanent residence category will still be available for high-calibre business migrants sponsored by State/Territory governments. This is known as the Business Talent visa (see below).
The Business Skills program is divided into four categories:
Business Owner category: for owners or part-owners of a business;
Senior Executive category: for senior executive employees of major businesses;
Investor category: for investors/business people willing to invest in Australia;
Business Talent category: for high-calibre business people who have sponsorship from a State/Territory government.
In addition, the Business Skills program also has two categories for persons who are in Australia on temporary visas, other than the Business Skills (Provisional) visas:
Established Business in Australia category - for people temporarily in Australia who are owners or part owners of a business; and
Regional Established Business in Australia category - for people temporarily in Australia who are owners or part owners of a business in a designated area of Australia.
If you are the holder of a Temporary Business Long Stay (Independent Executive) subclass 457 visa and wish to apply for a further a Temporary Business Long Stay (Independent Executive) subclass 457 visa in Australia -
See: Independent Executive.
Please note:
On 1 March 2003, there were major changes to the Business Skills category.
On this date, a number of Business Skills visa subclasses ceased.
An application in any of these subclasses lodged before 1 March 2003 but not decided before that date will continue to be processed and assessed in accordance with the criteria that were in force at the time of application.
See: Legislation Change - 1 March 2003
Employer-sponsored Migration
This information is about migration to Australia where an employer is sponsoring a person to fill a position in their organisation
Summary of migration requirements
There are four categories for employer-sponsored migration to Australia:
The Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) has been developed for Australian employers to recruit permanent, highly-skilled staff from overseas or from people temporarily in Australia, when the employers have been unable to fill a vacancy from within the Australian labour market or through their own training programs.
The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) is designed to help employers in regional or low population growth areas of Australia, who are unable to fill skilled vacancies from the Australian labour market.
Labour Agreements (LA) enable Australian employers to recruit (either permanently or temporarily) a specified number of workers from overseas in response to identified or emerging labour market (or skill) shortages in the Australian labour market.
Invest Australia Support Skills (IASS) program is designed to encourage international firms to choose Australia as a location for foreign direct investment. It allows companies that make a significant investment in Australia to bring out essential key expatriate managerial and specialist employees from within the company group (this program replaced Regional Headquarters agreements from 1 July 2002).
Refugee and Humanitarian Program
Migrating as a Refugee or Humanitarian Entrant - information for refugees, humanitarian entrants and others in special need.
Seeking Asylum within Australia - information on applying for protection in Australia.
New Measures for TPV & THV Holders - information on options for Temporary Protection and Temporary Humanitarian visa holders in Australia.
Migrating as a Family Member
This page sets out a number of options for people wanting to come to Australia to join their family permanently. Children, parents and other family members may apply to join their Australian citizen or permanent resident family members in Australia.
Partner migration
Partner migration is migration to Australia as the spouse, prospective spouse (fiancé(e)) or interdependent partner of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
See: Partner Migration
Child migration
Child migration is migration to Australia as the dependent child, orphan relative or adopted child of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
See: Child Migration
Parent migration
Parents may be able to migrate to Australia if they have a child in Australia who is an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
See: Parent Migration
'Other Family' migration
Other provisions exist for aged dependent relatives, remaining relatives and carers of Australian citizens, permanent residents of Australia and eligible New Zealand citizens to apply for visas to come to Australia permanently.
See: 'Other Family' Migration
Detailed migration requirements
The Partner Migration, Child Migration, Parent Migration and Other Family Migration booklets contain detailed information about migrating to Australia in each of these categories, and some general information about living in Australia.
If you plan to make a migration application, they are essential reading.
You can get a free copy from this website.
Booklet 1, Partner Migration
Booklet 2, Child Migration
Booklet 3, Parent Migration
Booklet 4, Other Family Migration
Subject to availability, a printed copy can be obtained from a migration office in Australia or overseas, at a cost of AUD$10.
See: Office and Contact Details Index
Factors affecting family migration applications
Assurance of Support
Managing the Migration Program
Processing Priorities
Refugee and Humanitarian Program
Migrating as a Refugee or Humanitarian Entrant - information for refugees, humanitarian entrants and others in special need.
Seeking Asylum within Australia - information on applying for protection in Australia.
New Measures for TPV & THV Holders - information on options for Temporary Protection and Temporary Humanitarian visa holders in Australia.
Summary of general skilled migration information
Australia's general skilled migration program targets people who are highly skilled, are under 45 years of age, have a high level of English language ability and who will quickly make a contribution to the Australian economy.
To make a valid application, applicants or their spouses must be able to satisfy essential criteria. If you are not able to satisfy these basic requirements, you should not continue with a general skilled migration application.
See: Basic Requirements.
See also: Lodging an application
To apply for skilled migration, you need to select the appropriate visa. There are three categories:
Offshore general skilled - for applicants generally outside Australia;
Onshore general skilled - for overseas students currently studying in Australia;
Onshore New Zealand citizen - for NZ citizens currently in Australia.
Within these three categories, there are the following types of visas:
independent - for those who meet the basic requirements and do not have a sponsor, or who choose not to be sponsored or nominated by a State or Territory government;
skill matching - for those wanting to be involved in the skill matching process and who are seeking to be nominated by a State or Territory government or an employer;
designated area sponsored - for those who have a sponsor and an assurer. The sponsor must live in a designated area, and you must be related to your sponsor;
Australian sponsored - for those who have a sponsor and an assurer, but the sponsor either lives outside a designated area or lives in Sydney or a selected area (Gosford, Newcastle or Wollongong). If your sponsor lives in Sydney or a 'selected area,' you must nominate an occupation listed on the Sydney and Selected Areas Skilled Shortage List (SSASSL). You must be related to your sponsor.
The following links will take you to general information about each visa subclass.
Offshore general skilled
Skilled–Independent Regional (Provisional) [SIR]
Skilled–State Territory Nominated Independent
Skill Matching
Skilled–Designated Area-Sponsored
Onshore general skilled
Skilled–Independent Overseas Student
Skilled-Independent Regional (Provisional) [SIR]
Skilled–Designated Area-sponsored Overseas Student
Skilled–Australian-sponsored Overseas Student
Graduate Skilled Temporary
Onshore New Zealand citizen
Skilled–Onshore Independent New Zealand Citizen
Skilled–Onshore Designated Area-sponsored New Zealand Citizen
Skilled–Onshore Australian-sponsored New Zealand Citizen
Demand for nurses
Nurses are currently in high demand in Australia. There are excellent career opportunities whether you want to emigrate to Australia, or just stay for a few years.
Whether you have a high level of skills and experience or need to gain additional skills, there is a visa to suit you.
Most visa applications for nurses receive priority processing.
You can come to Australia independently, and look for work, or arrange a job with an employer before you leave.
In Australia, to work as a nurse you need to be in good health and have a certain level of education and experience.
To determine whether you can work in Australia as a nurse, you will need to be assessed by either the Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council (ANMC) or the nurse regulatory body in the State or Territory in which you wish to work.
The ANMC's website has more information including links to State and Territory nurse regulatory bodies.
See: ANMC website
The information on this page briefly describes the options available to encourage skilled migrants or temporary entrants to live and work in areas outside of Australia's major cities.
To assist regional Australia to gain increased benefits from skilled and business migration the Australian Government has established a network of Regional Outreach Officers as part of a 2004-05 Budget initiative. For information about the Regional Outreach Officer network
See: Regional Outreach Officers
Please note that Australian state and territory governments are keen to encourage more skilled migrants to settle in many regions of Australia and in some cases may even offer some forms of assistance. Information about their involvement can be found on their websites.
See: Regional Opportunities - State and Territory Governments
Medical practitioners and nurses special arrangements
For information about opportunities for overseas medical practitioners and nurses to work in regional Australia -
Visa Options for Doctors
Visa Options for Nurses
Employer and state/territory government sponsored migration
For Australian businesses needing to recruit skilled workers where an employer has been unable to fill their recruitment needs from the Australian labour market or through their own training efforts.
Also for skilled people who wish to come to Australia under either an employer sponsorship arrangement or with sponsorship by a state or territory government.
Employer and State/Territory Government Sponsored Migration
Temporary employer sponsored entry
For Australian businesses needing to recruit staff from overseas for temporary entry for up to four years.
See: Long Business Visits to Australia
Highly skilled business owners, investors and senior executives options
Information for highly skilled or successful business people wishing to migrate to regional Australia and develop new or existing businesses.
See: Attracting Business Migrants to Regional Australia
Family sponsorship
Information for skilled people wishing to permanently migrate to Australia and who are able to nominate a close relative living in a designated area of Australia to be their sponsor and provide financial support.
See: Family Sponsorship
Previous study with an education provider in regional Australia
Overseas students applying for a general skilled migration visa can be awarded an additional five points for having lived and studied in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area for a period of at least 2 years.
For information about student visas:
See: Regional Australia Programs - Students
For information about the general skilled migration points test:
See: Points Test
Further information
For further information about Australian state/territory specific regional opportunities -
See: Fact Sheet 26 - State/Territory Specific Migration
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